
How Widows Express Gratitude When Grieving

How Widows Express Gratitude After The Loss Of their Husband

“The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord”
                                                                                                                                Job 1:21

How can you, a widow, honestly have the same perspective Job had after he suffered the death of all his children and lost all his wealth?  

We all appreciate a good gifts.  Our family, good friends, leisure time, and more. Most of us can naturally express at least some measure of gratitude for these and other blessings.

Jonathan Edwards, an American evangelist, made a helpful distinction between what he referred to as “natural gratitude” and “gracious gratitude.”

Anybody is capable of expressing natural gratitude.

It starts with the things we’re given and the benefits accompanying them. 

But gracious gratitude is very different. When circumstances and relationships in your life are difficult and challenging,  it is hard to express gratitude without a vital faith in God.

Gracious gratitude recognizes the character, goodness, love, power, and excellencies of God. It is not dependent on any gifts or enjoyments He has graciously given to you. 

You can express your gratefulness to God no matter what you are experiencing.

Whether you are having a good day or a bad day.
Whether the daily news is upbeat or overwhelming.
Whether we’re entirely healthy or facing a terminal diagnosis. 

This kind of gratitude is only discovered by grace that comes from God through Jesus. It is a true mark of the Holy Spirit working in a widow’s life. 

Gracious gratitude will enable you to face anything with the awareness that God is profoundly involved in your life and circumstances.  


Because He has made you a special object of His love.

Jonathan Edwards died as a result of the smallpox vaccination.

His widow, Sarah, wrote to their daughter, “What shall I say? A holy and good God has covered us with a dark cloud.”

Wow! What honesty. There’s no pretending that everything is ok.

Jonathan Edwards death was not random. He was not taken from his family by chance. It was the overruling sovereignty of God that determined the right time to bring him home to his eternal reward.

Sarah continued in her letter to her daughters, “But my God lives; and he has my heart … We are all given to God: and there I am, and love to be.”

When you are grieving after the death of your husband, you probably won’t be able to say words like those from natural gratitude.

Because natural gratitude cannot help you with those kinds of devastating losses. 
 This kind of thinking can only arise from gracious gratitude. 

You are on a challenging grief journey since your husband died. It is difficult and heartbreaking at the moment.

But in those moments, you can cling to God’s love and choose to trust God’s goodness, expressed most clearly through what Jesus accomplished on the cross and because God resurrected Him from the dead. 

Then, even in the darkest hours, you can know the joy of His presence and have cause to give thanks to Him. 

There is strength, dignity, and worship in being able to say, “The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord” (Job 1:21).

“Being strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy; giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in light.”   Colossians 1:11-12 


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Author Howard Smith

As an ordained pastor, Howard has  stood beside many widows and their families in the hardest moments of their lives, helping them say goodbye to someone they love.

He has offered comfort and guidance in moments of profound loss.

Over the years, Howard has observed a recurring truth:
 grief doesn’t end when the funeral does.

For months, even years later, many continue to feel adrift, struggling to navigate the storm of emotions that comes with loss.

He likens grief to a foreign language—one that no one teaches, yet everyone expects you to understand and speak fluently.

Recognizing this need, he began leading support groups rooted in timeless psychological wisdom and Biblical principles.

These groups have become a lifeline, particularly for widows, who make up the majority of the participants.

For many, these gatherings have been a transformative experience—a safe space where they realize they are not alone in their pain.

Today, Howard is extending his reach beyond support groups through blogging, teaching, and building an online community.

His mission is to provide a beacon of light for widows navigating their grief, helping them rediscover comfort, connection, and a renewed path to happiness.

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Image of a grieving widow who looks confused because she husband just died.

We believe that your pain matters, and so does your healing.

That’s why we’ve created this space just for you—a place where your heart is heard and your grief is honored.

As you explore our resources, connect with others, and read stories from women who’ve walked a similar path, we hope you find the strength to embrace your grief and move forward at your own pace.

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